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Inclusive School Leadership: Exploring Policies Across Europe

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Inclusive School Leadership: Exploring Policies Across Europe

The Supporting Inclusive School Leadership (SISL) project aims to investigate how to develop and promote inclusive school-level leadership through national and local-level policy frameworks and support mechanisms. The project has two phases. The phase 1 outputs include a review of international and European policy documents and guidance, a review of international and European literature and a country survey. The SISL synthesis report brings together the findings of all phase 1 activities. The report’s main target audience is policy-makers responsible for implementing inclusive education in schools. However, other stakeholders might find the report helpful for considering the roles and responsibilities of school leaders. This synthesis report reflects on how the phase 1 outcomes address the three key project questions on policy frameworks, essential competences of inclusive school leadership and professional development opportunities. It also provides the outlook for phase 2 of the project.
En savoir plus (Agence européenne pour l'éducation adaptée et inclusive)