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Access to justice of persons with disabilities: the way forward and practical tools

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Access to justice of persons with disabilities: the way forward and practical tools

28th May, 10h00-11h30
Persons with disabilities are more at risk of experiencing discrimination and rights violation than those without disabilities; moreover, the situation is aggravated by the preponderant presence of persons with disabilities in the mid-to-low income categories, which also makes it more difficult to access the judicial system. This webinar revolves around the JUST4ALL project, which aims to reduce the inequality that persons with disabilities experience when it comes to legal issues. A panel of experts will get together to: 
- Discuss the context of Art.13 of the UN CRPD and of Art.26 of European Charter of Fundamental Rights to support access to justice for persons with disabilities.
- Exchange and analyse the main legal, bureaucratic, practical issues hindering access to justice for persons with disabilities.
- Present the MOOC training addressed to legal practitioners to better support persons with disabilities in their access to justice.
- Discuss the needs of and the way forward to ensure more equal justice systems in Europe.
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