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Agency Bi-annual Meeting in Budapest

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Agency Bi-annual Meeting in Budapest

4-7 Novembre 2019 - Budapest, Hungary
The second Agency Bi-annual Meeting of 2019 will take place in Budapest, Hungary, at the invitation of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities, State Secretariat of Education. Bi-annual Meetings offer an opportunity for the Representative Board members and National Co-ordinators from Agency member countries to come together and exchange ideas and practices in inclusive education. They are also a chance for Agency staff members to outline projects and outcomes and gather information from member countries for future Agency work. Participants will take part in a series of sessions and meetings on a variety of topics, including legislative developments, information dissemination and on-going projects and activities, including work with the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service and UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM) report.
En savoir plus (Agence européenne pour l'éducation adaptée et inclusive)