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Inclusive Education Mobility Survey

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Inclusive Education Mobility Survey

The Support Center for Inclusive Higher Education in Flanders (SIHO) - together with their Ministry of Education - has received funding from Erasmus+ to conduct a project called Establishing a thought-out Policy and Framework for Inclusive Mobility across Europe (EPFIME). Partners of this project, among others, are also ESN and AHEAD, and the project is focusing on Higher Education. More information about this project can be found on the SIHO website. This project has started in May 2019 and consortium partners have been busy working on the first outputs of this project, mostly connected to the research part. With this email, we would like to introduce to you the surveys we have created on Inclusive Mobility and ask you to help us spread them widely: Survey for students - An incentive has been allocated and two lucky students will be able to win an Interrail voucher (200€ value each) by participating in this survey! Survey for Higher Education Institutions - No Interrail voucher here unfortunately but a recommendation to both International Officer and Disability Office to meet and fill in the survey together, as this survey touches upon the work area of both units.
The deadline for taking part in this survey is set to the 30 November 2019.
En savoir plus (Inclusive mobility alliance)
Répondre à l’enquête en anglais (Inclusive mobility alliance)