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New Course Available on D-LoT: IMAS II – Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings

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New Course Available on D-LoT: IMAS II – Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings

The Erasmus + project IMAS II – Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings – has developed a free training course, available on the D-LoT platform. This course contains 5 modules that will give you practical and theoretical knowledge to support and strengthen the development of your competencies for inclusive practice. The aim of the course is to assist you in learning how to best support the learning and development of children with disabilities, both in primary and secondary schools. The course will help to further develop your knowledge and start putting what you have learnt into practice in your daily work, as a learning and support assistant.
D-LoT is EASPD's e-learning hub, which is open to all and offers various opportunities and courses for anyone to undertake. 
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