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Rappel : Inclusion International « Learn, Inspire, Lead »

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Rappel : Inclusion International « Learn, Inspire, Lead »

30 mai au 1er juin 2018 - International Convention Centre, Birmingham (Royaume-Uni)
Congrès mondial (17e) organisé par Inclusion International en partenariat avec Inclusion Europe et sponsorisé par Mencap, The voice of learning disability.
Ce congrès s'adresse aux personnes handicapées mentales, à leurs familles ainsi qu'aux professionnels.
- Learn and share experiences from around the world about issues and challenges faced by people with intellectual disabilities and their families as well as strategies that have been successful in achieving achieve change ;
- Inspire and be inspired by successes and innovations for inclusive practices ;
- Lead the way as a global movement in promoting inclusive communities.
En savoir plus (Inclusion International)